New Product
MELTRIC will be providing a brand-new Santoprene handle for the following size 4 devices DSN100, DS60, DS100C, DSDC6, DS7C, DR7C, DR100, DS60-Haz and DS100C-Haz.
This new handle offers greater impact resistance, improved watertightness, and improved cable anchoring. It also has a larger size than the current poly handle with clamp and bushing which allows for easier wiring/connection and allows a wider range of incoming cable diameters.
The new santoprene handle will also support self-ejecting applications. A 443 suffix will need to be added to the handle part number for all self-ejecting applications.
The santoprene handle will replace the poly handle with clamp & bushing part numbers: 714P0S22, 714P0S25, 714P0S27, 714P0S29.

Part Numbers

Cable Anchoring and Sealing
Replacing the existing clamp and bushing style handle, this new bolt-on clamp is more efficient and easier to use. Sealing is accomplished when an elastomer ring is compressed and secured by screwing the clamp body into the handle body. After sealing the clamp body to the handle body, the clamps are tightened with 2 stainless steel screws (BTR M5). The tightening should be alternated to ensure the clamps go on evenly.
